Sviaz-Bank Provides Overdraft to Stroiservice
OREANDA-NEWS. February 27, 2013. Sviaz-Bank’s branch in Kemerovo has made a loan in the form of an overdraft with a limit of 300million rubles for a term of up to one year to Stroiservice CJSC. The borrower wants to use the loan funds to finance its current business.
Stroiservice CJSC is one of the biggest coal groups and metal traders in Kemerovo Region.
The Stroiservice CJSC group comprises eight industrial enterprises and five branches located in Prokopyevsk, Kiselevsk, Belovo, and Berezovsky and in Belovo and Guryev districts of Kemerovo Region, Karpinsk in Sverdlov Region, and in Gubakh, Perm Territory.