Minihydro Power Plants Will Be Built in Karelia on Czech Technologies
OREANDA-NEWS. Consulate General of Czech Republic in St.Petersburg was a venue for signing of the Agreement of implementation of advanced projects of development of objects of mini hydropower generation, also within the territory of the Republic of Karelia.
On the part of Russia the Agreement was concluded by Nord Hydro JSC, on the part of Czech Republic the Agreement was concluded by TES VSETIN s.r.o. Valentin Chmil, Deputy Head of the Republic of Karelia and Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Karelia, and Karel Charanza, Consul General of Czech Republic in St.Petersburg, took part in the signing ceremony.
The document signed is called to revive and bring production of turbines, generators, hydromechanical equipment for mini hydropower generation up to the world standards, to reduce the cost of this equipment, to create new jobs, to boost economic parameters of development of the region.
The Agreement provides production of 56 generators in territory of Russia with total capacity of 137,5 megawatt within the period before 2020.
– There is no doubt that location of objects of mini hydropower generation within the territory of the Republic of Karelia is one of the most urgent stages in economic development of the region. It will help to provide power and heat supplies to consumers in sparsely populated localities. It is a new innovative approach in housing and communal services and power engineering, – Valentin Chmil replied.
Yesterday the Legislative Assembly has passed the law on support of investment activity submitted for consideration by Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilainen.
– The law provides the state guarantees of the regional government, subsidies from the budget of the republic for partial reimbursement of credit interest expenses, the investment tax credit. It also introduces new forms of the state support. The agreement signed today became the first investment project this year to mark the adoption of a document so significant for recruitment of investors to Karelia, – Valentin Chmil pointed out.
According to Alexey Vinogradov, managing director of Nord Hydro JSC, cooperation with the Czech company will allow to reduce the overall projected cost of construction of mini hydropower stations in Russia.
– It is a precedent when the transfer of technologies necessary for implementation of projects on renewable energy in Russia is performed by the private company. We have already purchased the first generator. In May it will be delivered from Czech Republic and it will be established at the station of Rymakoski. The next station of Kalliokoski is expected to be launched in 2014. It will be constructed already within the scope of the Agreement which we have signed today, – Alexey Vinogradov has told.
At the meeting it was mentioned that now renewable power engineering is developing actively all over the world. In Russia it is at the initial stage of introduction. Nord Hydro is the first company in Russia that was issued a certificate of competency of the station of Laskela built in Karelia at the support of the regional Government.