Aozora Announces New Retail Branding Strategy
OREANDA-NEWS. Aozora Bank, Ltd. announced its new retail branding strategy, Brilliant 60s, representing part of the Bank's commitment to strengthening its advisory services for senior customers and those planning for their post-retirement life, as well as enhancing its specialized consulting services for senior customers. Commencing this month, this strategy is intended to enhance the Bank's branding and penetration, and underpin its aim of becoming 'Another Reliable Partner' to its customers.
Japan's senior generation, beginning with people in their sixties, is made up of an extremely active group of people who are keen to broaden their worlds and their knowledge base. Aozora refers to this generation as the Brilliant 60s, and expresses its commitment to providing for their total asset management needs. Going forward the Bank's message to this segment will be 'Together with the Brilliant 60s'
With his experience of two space flights and his current involvement in the nurturing of future scientists, Aozora Bank considers Mamoru Mouri to be a fitting representative of the Brilliant 60s generation.
Development of strategy going forward:
- In addition to newspaper advertisements, a page dedicated to the Brilliant 60s will be created on the Bank's website
- Aozora plans to hold events and seminars in support of the Brilliant 60s generation.