MICEX: New Version of Listing Rules Come into Force on February 21, 20
OREANDA-NEWS. Please be informed that according to decision of the Directorate of Closed Joint-Stock Company "MICEX Stock Exchange" the new version of Listing Rules of Closed Joint-Stock Company "MICEX Stock Exchange" (the Listing Rules) to become effective on February 21, 2013. The new version was registered by the Russian Federal Financial Market Service on February 14, 2013.
The Listing Rules were amended to comply with current changes in the securities market legislation, in particular the Regulations on organization of trading on the stock market adopted by the FFMS Order No. 10-78/пз-H of 28.12.2010 (further the Regulations), and the Federal Law No. 282-FZ dated 29.12.2012 "On the amendments to individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invalidation of individual provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation".
The new version of the document combines provisions of Listing Rules, Rules of Admission of Securities to Trading and Rules of admission of commercial papers to trading currently in effect at MICEX Stock Exchange. Also some amendments to simplify individual procedures for securities listing, placement and trading in MICEX Stock Exchange have been introduced.