Kreditprombank Presented Innovative System of Risk Management
OREANDA-NEWS. February 15, 2013. In one of the largest world electronic repositories Social Science Research Network (SSRN) the article of Igor Voloshyn, Director of the Department on Financial Risk Management of Kreditprombank, Candidate of Technical Sciences, was published, named "Complex Risk Management of the Commercial Bank – Market Maker", reported the press-centre of Kreditprombank.
It deals with the development of a fundamentally new system of complex risk management – credit, market, operating and liquidity, based on "cash flow at risk" approach.
It should be noted, that the practical implementation of the proposed system will allow the bank to reach the guaranteed (with selected level of confidence), risk-free profitability, to maintain the sufficient liquidity, to assess on consolidated basis the risks and to ensure the coverage of risks with respective interest income. In its turn, it gives the opportunity to protect to the utmost the interests of depositors, lenders and owners of the bank, guaranteeing its sustainable development.
As a reminder, Social Science Research Network is one of the largest world open electronic repositories of scientific works and preprints, aimed at prompt distribution of results of the latest researches and development of communications in scientific community.