SIBUR Implements New Uniform Polypropylene Grading Codes
OREANDA-NEWS. NPP Neftekhimiya, a joint venture of Gazprom Neft’s Moscow Oil Refinery and SIBUR Holding, will implement a new uniform system of polypropylene grading codes as of 1 March 2013.
The new codes are more informative, indicating a polymer’s type, use and melt flow rate (MFR), which will make it easier for consumers to choose an appropriate grade and give them a better understanding of the company’s grade range.
For example, in the grade code PP H030GP – PP indicates the polymer type (PP – polypropylene) and its class (H – homopolymer); the digits show its target MFR times ten, and the letters GP after the digits stand for its use or processing methods (in this case, GP – general purpose).
Implementing the new product coding for NPP Neftekhimiya is another stage of unification of polypropylene grades across SIBUR’s companies. Uniform grade codes were introduced at Tomskneftekhim back in 2011. The Tobolsk-Polymer facilities to be commissioned will also use this coding standard.