Uniastrum Bank Profit According to RAS Amounted to RUR 20 mln in Q4
OREANDA-NEWS. Following the 2012 results, Uniastrum Bank has reduced the accumulated negative financial result from Rb 1,382 mn for 9 months 2012 down to Rb 962 mn. The capital adequacy ratio for this period improved from 10.9% to 12.1%
Following the 2012 results, the Uniastrum Bank profits before RAS provisions grew by 7% as compared to 2011 to amount to Rb 1.5 bn (without considering the events after the reporting date). The capital adequacy as of 01.01.2013 makes 12.1%, therefore, Uniastrum Bank has a solid reserve in terms of the capital ratios.
In 2012, Uniastrum Bank was active and successful in developing its retail segment: consumer loans, issue of and service related to bank cards, deposit raising, SME loans. These business segments remain a priority for the Bank in 2013. In 2012, the share of retail loans and SME loans in the total loan portfolio of the Bank went up to reach 48% and amount to Rb 32 bn. The volume of retail deposits increased during the year to reach Rb 38 bn.
‘‘In 2013 we will continue to develop our Retail & SME businesses, - said UB President Gagik Zakaryan. We will remain focused on profitable segments of the retail market and improve our efficiency in the small businesses sector, while continue to serve our clients in the Corporate segment’’.