VTB Bank Top Managers Visited NPO Saturn
OREANDA-NEWS. Mikhail Oseevskiy, Vice President - Chairman of VTB Bank JSC and Dmitry Pospelov, VTB Bank Vice-President, Member of NPO Saturn Board of Directors, visited NPO Saturn.
The representatives of VTB Bank visited Company’s design, research and production facilities which have been actively growing over the past few years: they visited the SaM146 serial engine assembly line, engine test facilities, the Research and Development Bureau No.1 and VolgAero JSC, a joint venture between NPO Saturn and Snecma.
According to Mikhail Oseevskiy, Vice President - Chairman of VTB Bank JSC, “Saturn is one of VTB Bank’s major clients among the companies in the defense-industrial complex. Our cooperation has been ongoing for several years already. For us, the bankers, it is vital to see beyond the money we are granting and credit agreements we are signing with the Company, the results of our joint work. I have been pleasantly surprised by what I saw here. The Company operates at the level of the most rigorous world-class standards. The partnership of Saturn with the world leaders confirms the high quality of its products”.
Speaking of the continuation of cooperation between the bank and the Company, Mikhail Oseevskiy stated: “We look forward to supporting the Company further with regard to the implementation of its projects not only here in Rybinsk but also in Perm, Omsk and other regions of the country. Saturn is our strategic partner and we are delighted to see it developing so well. Such large-scale modernization projects of Russian economy and Russian industry require very serious financial resources coming from different sources – I’m referring to both the government funding and the money granted by banks. And we, as bankers, are interested to see our clients demonstrate sustainable growth to allow us to grow with them. We have discussed prospects of our future cooperation. So far we and the Company’s management both have been satisfied with the results of our cooperation”.
Research and Production Association Saturn JSC is an engine-building company specialized in design, manufacture and after sales support of gas-turbine engines for military and civil aviation, the Navy boats and power-generation and gas-pumping installations. NPO Saturn JSC is a part of the United Engine Corporation Managing Company JSC.