TBC Kredit Sums up Activity for 2012
OREANDA-NEWS. Non-bank credit organization TBC Kredit has summarized the results of its activity for the past year.
The Organization informs that for the reported period TBC Kredit increased volume of loan portfolio by 33% compared to the index by the end of December 2011. As of 31 December 2012 the portfolio reached USD 36.6 million on 3,860 active loans. Business loans (47%) dominate in the portfolio, the share of mortgage and consumer loans is 20% and 33% respectively. Business portfolio consists of micro business loans almost by 50%, financing of which began 3.5 years ago.
Giving of consumer and micro business loans increased compared to 2011. Thus, the consumer loan portfolio grew by 43% (USD 12.2 million by 31 December 2012 compared to USD 8.52 million by 31 December 2011), portfolio of micro loans by 110% (USD 8.4 million versus USD 4 million). Such credit growth is associated with the provision of convenient and favorable conditions on loans.
Last year TBC Kredit kept the quality of loan portfolio, increased lending and raised long-term borrowing. For 2012 the Organization received several tranches for totally USD 8.5 million from international financial institutions, including MicroVest, responsAbility Social Investments AG and Triple Jump.
By the end of 2013 TBC Kredit plans to increase its loan portfolio up to USD 45 million. The priority is financing for business projects.
TBC Kredit has been operating in Azerbaijan since 1999. Since December 2007 a stake of 75% in the Organization has been owned by leader Georgian bank TBC Bank and 25% by ShoreBank International Ltd.