OREANDA-NEWS. February 07, 2013. From the beginning of current marketing year Ukraine supplied to the foreign markets 16.25 million tons of grain crops. The biggest share of export goes to corn, wheat and barley. And if pace of merchandizing corn abroad is increasing, only those companies that buy wheat through open exchange trade held by the Agrarian fund have a right to export it. Such conditions were agreed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food with grain traders. That’s why today export of grain crops is under control.

This marketing year sensible policy of the state in terms of export gave opportunity not only to fulfill foreign obligations and to become a reliable partner but to ensure food security. Agrarians gathered third at the amounts yield of grain crops over the independence years – 46.2 million tons. Taking into account over stocks of grain on the level of 11.6 million tons, overall proposition of grain crops in the current marketing year made up over 58 million tons. Such stores are enough to secure the need in domestic consumption of grain, to keep stable prices for bread and export grain crops.

For today Ukraine exported 7.95 million tons of corn, 6.04 million tons of wheat and 1.98 million tons of barley. Such amounts correspond to agreements reached by grain traders and Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food by signing a respective Cooperation memorandum. Overall amount of grain Ukraine plans to export this marketing year is 23.2 million tons.

Owing to agreements concerning limit amounts of wheat export the state managed to secure food security within the country. Therefore, domestic stores of grain are enough for processing into flour and keeping stable price for social sorts of bread. So, this year the Agrarian fund will continue interventions by flour to bread-baking factories of the regions at a price lower than market ones.