OREANDA-NEWS. Preventive operation “Oversnow vehicle-2013” was started in Podolsky region from a production base of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Southern Electric Grids.

The goal of the action, which will take place in the territory of Moscow Region till 20.02.2013, is a safety provision for people’s life and health, property, the environment protection under operation of off-road motor transport facilities and snow-removal machinery. The action is in charge of the state supervision bodies of the technical standing of self-propelled vehicles and other types of machines.

In the Southern Electric Grids, where over 3,5 thousand kilometers of 35-220 kV overhead lines (OK) are on the balance, the oversnow machinery has become long ago a reliable helper of the power engineers. The oversnow vehicles use in the winter period is often a key moment of a concurrent detection of disturbances in the energy equipment’s function. As a consequence, the specialists of the service for mechanization and motor transport exercise a constant control of the technical standing of offroaders, their use according to the current norms, which guarantees a permanent and accident-free operation of the machinery.

As Alexander Shleyn, the main state engineer-inspector of Podolsk municipal district and city district Klimovsk, specified “oversnow vehicles and motor off-road vehicles – are an increased danger source, therefore one should treat the specified machinery use in the most serious way. Machines shall be subject to mandatory state registration and must pass annually a technical inspection. We have started operation “Oversnow vehicle-2013” in Podolsk region from inspection of 13 units of the special machinery of the Southern Electric Grids. We don’t have any pretensions to its operation, and it must be an example for other organizations and individuals".