Norilsk Nickel Signs Murmansk Region Ecology Declaration
OREANDA-NEWS. February 05, 2013. On this date OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel (Norilsk Nickel or the Company) has become one of the first signatories to the Murmansk Region Ecology Declaration, reported the press-centre of Norilsk Nickel.
The Document was developed as part of Russia’s Environment Protection Year. The undersigned include Murmansk Region Governor Maria Kovtun and representatives of major industries active in the area. Norilsk Nickel signed the Declaration as represented by General Director of Kola MMC (KMMC, the Company’s subsidiary) Sergey Selyandin.
Lowering adverse environmental impact as well as solving key environmental issues in areas of operation count among Norilsk Nickel’s priorities with the principal efforts aimed at: incremental pollutant emissions reduction, sustainable use of natural resources, implementation of advanced technology, strict compliance with Russian legislation and international agreements.
In 2012 KMMC has managed to bring about a number of adverse environmental impact reduction efforts, which includes the Company’s Plan of Lowering Pollutant Emissions at Nickel Site, which proposes upgrading the smelting shop.
In 2012 KMMC has gone ahead with remediation of industry-affected land. For new Pechenga areas alone RUB 3.2 million was allocated for purchase and application of fertilizers with another RUB 1 million doled out to carry out similar tasks around Monchegorsk Metallurgy Shop.
In following the greenery efforts, the Company has planted 3 thousand pine saplings in Monchegorsk industrial area around the perimeter fence adjacent to fine matte separation section of the refinery and the nickel electrolysis shop carbonyl nickel section. In addition, 50 five-year old larches were planted near the KMMC administrative building. The total area of new greenery plantings covers close to a hectare.
In 2012 Kola MMC and State Nature Preserve Pasvik have embarked on a new project to create an up-to-date visitor center in Nickel settlement conservation area. The center will serve as a permanent base for environmental awareness programs targeted at dwellers of neighboring Russian regions as well as Finnish and Norwegian visitors. The Company’s contribution to the visitor center amounts to RUB 8 million with a planned completion date of 2014.
In 2012 the Lapland Preserve researchers have summed up the studies of KMMC’s impact on the environment of Monchegorsk area, utilizing bioindicators - moss. Moss serves as a powerful sorbent for heavy metals, absorbing them from the air and its longevity makes it and indispensable long-term monitoring tool.
Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Research Center published studies citing decreases of heavy metal content around Kola MMC Monchegorsk industrial area since 1991: 2.5-fold for nickel, 6-fold for copper and 4-fold for lead.
In 2012 pollutant emission levels from KMMC did not exceed allowed limits and were in full compliance with approved standards.
In total Kola MMC environmental expenditure in 2012 amounted to about a RUB 1 billion.
By signing the Murmansk Region Ecology Declaration MMC Norilsk Nickel has shown its commitment to continue carrying out environmental protection initiatives in the region and providing full support to the authorities in solving the region’s environmental problems. Solving them will require “decisive action on the part of the state, responsible business practice, active public awareness and public actions aimed at protecting the environment” as stated in the Declaration.