Baltic NPP: 2012 Milestones Accomplished
OREANDA-NEWS. January 25, 2013. On the 22nd of January, 2013, the construction control panel for construction of Units 1 and 2 of Baltic NPP (Neman District, Kaliningrad Region) had its meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Valery Limarenko, the President of NIAEP, the management company of Atomstroyexport, and attended by representatives of Rosenergoatom (the Construction Customer), NIAEP (Prime Contractor), SPb AEP (Architect General) and contractor companies.
Before the meeting, its participants made a tour of the construction site to inspect facilities under construction.
At the meeting, Vyacheslav Makhonin, the Director of Construction of Baltic NPP, reported on results of 2012 and Units 1 and 2 construction plans for 2013. Summing up results of 2012 he noted that all planned milestones had been accomplished. In particular, on the 29th of December the shell of the core melt trap was installed on its prepositioned place at the site of Unit 1. “At present, the work is underway at 25 facilities of main buildings and 26 temporary essential facilities. The works on the two units are carried out by 20 contractor companies. Nearly 1,500 workers are engaged on the site,” V.M. Makhonin specified.
The panel approved milestones of 2013 for Unit 1. The short-term task of January is the reinforcement of the safety building walls from elevation –8.800 up to elevation –4.100.
“This was the first year for NIAEP to act as the prime construction contractor of Baltic NPP. We accomplished all planned milestones,” Valery Limarenko summed up. “I hope that in this year we will continue working sustainably within the well-built team.”