Swedbank: New ID Cards Require New Software
OREANDA-NEWS. January 25, 2013. Everyone who has recently received a new ID card must update their computer's ID card software. New ID cards have a new generation chip which requires new software to communicate with your computer, reported the press-centre of Swedbank.
Since last year many ID cards have expired, and this will continue to be the case both this year and next. The new ID card may cause problems and not function properly on your computer even if your old card did. Downloading the new software will help against this problem.
The new software can be downloaded free of charge from the ID card page of the Certification Centre at https://installer.id.ee/?lang=est. The page gives you all of the instructions you need to download it onto your computer. If you require assistance, call the ID card helpline on 1777 or e-mail abi@id.ee.
Please note: If you need to use Swedbank’s Internet Bank, always log in with your ID card or via Mobile ID, as these are the safest authentication tools and are not subject to the daily transaction limit of 200 euros. We recommend using the mobile bank with Mobile ID, which is the most convenient authentication tool at present.