New End-Forging Plant of SAIL Inaugurated
OREANDA-NEWS. January 24, 2013. Chairman SAIL Mr C.S. Verma inaugurated the new End-Forging Plant installed in Bhilai Steel Plant’s Rail & Structural Mill for forging of thick web assymetric rails on 21st January 2013. The new end-forged ZU – 1- 60 profile of rails would be used for manufacture of track switches for the Indian Railways. This is an important milestone in the field of import substitution. SAIL’s Bhilai Steel Plant, the sole supplier of rails to Indian Railways including long rails in lengths of 130 and 260 metre, has begun commercial production of this new profile of rails. At present, this profile is being imported by Indian Railways. The new End-Forging Plant has been installed at a cost of Rs 45.54 crore approximately.
The successful development of the thick web assymetric rails and installation of end forging facilities has further strengthened SAIL’s commitment to fulfill the requirements of Indian Railways.