Veles Capital Improved Its Position in TOP-20 Depositaries
OREANDA-NEWS. January 23, 2013. Veles Capital Investment company`s depositary improved its position in the TOP-20 depositaries by the market value of securities. These results are published in the National depositaries reliability rating of I Half 2012 prepared by the Infrastructure Institute Foundation for Financial Research Development (INFI) in cooperation with PARTAD.
Veles Capital took 16th place among the depositaries by the market value of securities (about 23 bln RUB or 580 mln EUR). In addition, the company was given the very high AA reliability rating of depositary.
The company was also ranked third among the depositaries – non-credit organizations with the deposited securities volume under 30 bln RUB by the coverage factor (CF) = 6,6%. The CF is calculated by the formula CF = (OC + IC) / MV, where OC is organization's own capital, IC is insurance cover under depositary operations insurance contracts concluded by the organization and MV is market value of deposited securities.
Rating is performed using information submitted by depositary service providers to PARTAD database and is available at the site of the Infrastructural Institute Foundation for Financial Research Development (INFI).
Veles Capital investment company has been operating on Russian financial market since 1995 and is ranked among TOP-10 Russian investment companies by total turnover of securities (5,5 trln RUB or 139 bln EUR for 2011). Veles Capital is one of the few Russian investment companies, with the reliability rating of the international rating agency Standard & Poor’s, which has been raised to the “B/B/ruA-” with stable forecast. National Rating Agency (NRA) also has assigned Veles Capital rating “AA+” (very high reliability, first level, positive forecast). Veles Capital brand unites group of companies that provide services on the capital markets in Russia, Ukraine and Cyprus, implementing projects in the field of private equity, corporate finance and real estate investments.