NALCO Announced Wind Power Project in Rajasthan
OREANDA-NEWS. January 22, 2013. As part of its diversification plans, National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO), A Navratna PSU, has been foraying into other metals and energy sectors. In this context, the company is setting up its 2nd Wind Power Plant at Ludarva in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan with a capacity of 47.6 MW.
This Rs.283 crore Wind Power Project will be executed through M/s Gamesa Wind Turbines Private Ltd., which involves erection of 56 Wind Turbines, each of 850 KW rating. Shri N.R. Mohanty, Director (P&T), NALCO, laid the foundation-stone of this project on 12th January last, in presence of Shri S.K. Dash, Executive Director (P & T).
This is the second green initiative of NALCO towards promoting sustainable development by harnessing the unconventional and renewable energy sources, which would credit the company with incentives from the Government. The project is scheduled to be completed in about eight months.
Earlier, the company commissioned its first Wind Power Plant of 50.4 MW capacity at Gandikota in Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, on 30th December, 2012. Under this project, 24 Wind Turbines, each of 2.1 MW rating, were erected, at an investment of Rs.274 crore. M/S Suzlon Energy Limited was the executing agency.