Inventions of TATNEFT Are among Best in Republic of Tatarstan
OREANDA-NEWS. January 3, 2013. According to the results of the contest "Best invention of the Republic of Tatarstan" the inventions of TATNEFT Company were presented awards and prizes.
The results of the republican contest were summed by the Society of Inventors and Innovators of the Republic of Tatarstan jointly with the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan. The total number of works submitted to the Expert Committee's review amounted to 102 inventions. Out of 32 works submitted by the JSC TATNEFT 9 inventions were honored with awards.
The first prize in the category "Crude Oil Production" was awarded to N.G. Ibragimov, R.M. Gareyev, A.R. Rakhmanov, A.F. Alchinov, R.Sh. Zakirov, I.A. Nurutdinov and E.F. Zinnatshin for a number of inventions "Method of metal tanks anode grounding" (Russian patent No.2427668), "Arrangement of horizontal anode grounding in the high electrical resistance soils" (Russian patent No.2407824), "Method of anode grounding performance" (Russian patent No.2394942), engineering developments of NGDU "Almetyevneft".
The second prize was awarded to A.N. Shatalov, R.Z. Sakhabutdinov, R.M. Garifullin, D.D. Shipilov, M.A. Akhmetzyanov, R.G. Yarmuhametov and A.A. Kolesnikov for the invention "Sour crude treatment installation" (Russian patent No.2424035), engineering development of "TatNIPIneft" Institute.
The third prize was awarded to R.S. Khisamov, I.A. Nuriyev, A.M. Evdokimov, V.M. Khusainov and N.F. Gumarov for the invention "Method of preventing behind-the-casing flow from a non-perforated formation into a perforated interval" (Russian patent No.2394987), engineering development of NGDU "Aznakaevskneft".
Encouragement prizes were awarded to:
- for the invention "Well study method" (Russian patent No. 2407887), engineering development of NGDU "Elkhovneft", R.S. Khisamov, I.Z. Chupikov, R.R. Aflyatunov, R.A. Kozikhin and D.S. Kamaliyev;
- for the invention "Method of developing a tubular oil pool" (Russian patent No. 2425965), engineering development of NGDU "Elkhovneft", R.S. Khisamov, R.I. Shafigullin, L.I. Torikovoa, V.S. Isakov and G.L. Musayev;
- for the invention "Method of developing oil deposits by periodic operation of producing wells, the period of which varies depending on the change in the well fluid density" (Russian patent No.2433250), engineering development of NGDU "Leninogorskneft", R.S. Khisamov, V.G. Fadeev, R.A. Gabdrakhmanov, M.M. Khamidullin, R.G. Shaydullin, O.Ya. Bazhitov and I.F. Galimov;
- for the invention "Method for measuring concentration of the substance dissolved in a liquid medium, and the analyzer for its implementation" (Russian patent No.2420731), engineering development of NGDU "Prikamneft", E.G. Kormishin, N.G. Ibragimov, F.A. Karamov, M.A. Abramov, O. Yu. Antonov and I.Ya. Khabibullin.
The third prize in the category "Chemistry" was awarded to R.Z. Fakhrutdinov, F.A. Zakiev, R.G. Garifullin, M.Kh. Aminov, F.R. Zaynullov and A.Kh. Sultanov for the invention "Absorbent for gas desulfurization and carbon dioxide removal" (Russian patent No.2416458), engineering development of "Tatneftegazpererabotka" Administration.
Prize in the category "Utility model" was awarded to R.I. Kateev and T.M. Gabbasov for the utility model "cement displacement plug for surface casing string cementing" (Russian patent No.110125), engineering development of "TatNIPIneft" R&D Institute.