SC Klaipedos Nafta Selected Contractor
OREANDA-NEWS. December 27, 2012. Klaipedos Nafta, AB has declared Kauno dujotiekio statyba, AB and Shiauliu dujotiekio statyba, UAB consortium the winner of its international tender “Procurement of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Works for Natural Gas Pipeline System” was selected.
During the implementation of the international tender of Klaipedos Nafta, AB “Procurement of engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) works for natural gas pipeline system” 2 final tender offers were submitted by 20 December 2012. Upon evaluation of the final tender offers according to the lowest price criterion, Kauno dujotiekio statyba, AB and Shiauliu dujotiekio statyba, UAB consortium was declared to be the winner, who committing to perform all construction works for the total amount of 137,999,391.00 LTL excluding VAT.
On 21.12.2012 the Board of Klaipedos nafta, AB has approved the conclusion of the particular contract and took following decisions:
1. to conclude the contract for Natural Gas Pipeline System Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Works, necessary in constructing the connection between the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal’s embankment within the port area of Klaipeda State Sea Port (near the northern part of Kiaules nugara island) and Lithunian natural gas transportation system (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) with the winner of Klaipedos nafta, AB international public tender, conducted by a way of public negotiations “Natural Gas Pipeline System Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Works”, who proposed the lowest price for all the scope of works – the consortium of Kauno dujotiekio statyba, AB and Shiauliu dujotiekio statyba, UAB.
2. the total fixed price for all the works under the Contract shall be 137,999,391.00 Lt (one hundred thirty seven millions nine hundred ninety nine thousands three hundred and ninety one litas) without VAT and 166,979,263.10 Lt (one hundred sixty six millions nine hundred seventy nine thousands two hundred sixty three litas and ten cents) with VAT, that at the day of the conclusion of the Contract is equal to 21 percent. This fixed price can increase only in the exclusive cases provided for in the Contract. Klaipedos nafta, AB shall be paying the indicated fixed sum only for the actual works performed under the Contract.
3. All the works under the Contract shall be finished till 1 October 2014. The performance terms may only be extended in the exclusive cases set forth in the Contract.
4. all these decisions of the Bord of the Company shall enter into their full force only if the General Meeting of Shareholders of Klaipedos Nafta, AB approves the conclusion of the contract (as provided in Article 16.10 of the Articles of Association of Klaipedos nafta, AB) and the Contract with the winner shall be concluded only after expiry of the obligatory 15 days’ period of deferment (Article 2.22 of the Public Procurement Law of the Republic of Lithuania).
The Board of the Company also decided to call the General Meeting of the Shareholders of the company on 25.01.2013 1:00 p.m. and at its registered seat 19 Str .Buriu, LT-91003 Klaipeda, Lithuania.