Azov Basin Branch Icebreaking Fleet Set to Work
OREANDA-NEWS. December 24, 2012. The FSUE "Rosmorport" Azov Basin Branch icebreakers started to perform duties in Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea.
In accordance with the resolution of the Basin Committee for arrangement of icebreaking assistance to vessels in the seaports of the Azov Sea, and their approaches, in conditions of harsh decrease of temperature to -17 degrees and in storm up to 25-30 meters per second, which resulted in decrease of the water level by 2 meters in Taganrog Bay, from December 15 to 17 the icebreakers took more than 40 vessels from the ice fields to plain water into the haven near Elenina sandspit.
At present ice thickness in Taganrog Bay is about 15-20 meters with a 10-point density.
The Kapitan Kharchikov, Kama and Fanagoriya icebreakers tohether with the Dobrynya and Muromets ice tow-tugs provide safe mooring and support to vessels in the seaports of Rostov-on-Don, Azov, and Taganrog.
Leading icebreakers Kapitan Demidov, Kapitan Moshkin, and Kapitan Chudinov provide safe mooring of vessels near Elenina sandspit in the Eastern part of the Azov Sea.
Regular icebreaking pilotage of vessels to the seaports in the northern part of the Azov Sea will be performed after improvement of weather conditions and raising of the water level near the Taganrog approaching canal and Azovo-Donskoy sea canal.