Participants of AN-140 Program Increase Competitiveness of Aircraft
OREANDA-NEWS. December 17, 2012. In the end of November 2012 at ANTONOV Company participants of the programme of the AN-140 regional turboprop aircraft conducted a meeting. Managers of the plants-manufacturers: Aviakor – Aviation Plant JSC, Kharkiv State Aircraft Manufacturing Company (KSAMC), HESA (Iran) representation office at ANTONOV Company as well as enterprises-suppliers of vendor items took part in the meeting.
Having discussed status of the AN-140 serial production, participants of the meeting developed a number of measures directed on increase of the AN-140 competitiveness including those due to decrease of the vendor items costs and provision of their operational support during the whole life time of the aircraft.
Mr. Aleksey Gusev, Director General of Aviakor – Aviation Plant JSC, said that those questions are especially important because it is planned to obtain state order on the AN-140 aircraft in the nearest time. It should provide full load of production capacities of the enterprises - partners till 2018.
As Mr. Dmytro Kiva, President – General Designer of ANTONOV Company, noted: “taking measures on increase of the AN-140 competitiveness is a necessary condition for enforcing position of this aircraft in the market. At the same time, safety of flights and correspondence of the aircraft to the customers’ requirements remain the main criteria”.