OREANDA-NEWS. December 17, 2012. According to Grain Ukraine company, during five months of the current marketing year (July1 – December 1, 2012) Ukraine has exported 5.06 mln tons of wheat.

NIBULON has become the largest exporter in the current marketing year. The company has sold 12.4% of total wheat amount in foreign markets (that is about 630 thousand tons).

The second place was taken by Alfred C. Toepfer International (Ukraine), an affiliate Alfred C. Toepfer International company, which delivered 11.2 % of wheat to foreign markets (about 566.7 thousand tons). Another Louis Dreyfus Ukraine Ltd. company that exported 7.4 % of total wheat amount closed the top three leaders. Kernel and Sarna companies have entered the top five leaders in wheat export. The previous leader Khlib Investbud has exported only 1.7% of wheat, informs Delo.ua.

NIBULON is going to export about 4.5 mln tons of grain and oil crops in 2012-2013 marketing year. By the end of 2012 the company will have supplied about 2.1 mln tons of agricultural crops, including wheat, corn, barley, rape, sunflower. Egypt (corn), Jordan and Tunisia (wheat) are among the importers in the current marketing year.

We would remind that in 2011-2012 marketing year NIBULON’s export comprised about 3.5 mln tons of grain and oil crops that was 15% of total amount of agricultural export from Ukraine. For several consecutive years NIBULON remains a leader in export of grain and oil crops in Ukraine.