Nordecon Completes Reconstruction of Estonian Embassy Building
OREANDA-NEWS. December 04, 2012. Nordecon had completed reconstruction work on the Estonian embassy building in Kyiv. Situated on Pushkinskaya Street in the Ukrainian capital, it will be officially reopened tomorrow by Foreign Minister Urmas Paet.
“Construction work on the embassy, which is essentially Estonia’s business card in Kyiv, started last summer, and now that it’s finished it’s given the building a complete makeover, inside and out,” said Jaano Vink, chairman of the management board of Nordecon AS. “A lot’s been done – some of the ceilings were replaced, along with parts of the roof; new doors and windows have been put in, as well as new technical systems; and the interior’s been given a new look, too. It’s really rather cosy! We hope the staff feel at home here.”
Vink added that given the distance between Estonia and Ukraine, organising and carrying out the construction work was by no means straightforward. “The differences between what we class as standard now in terms of building norms and quality requirements in Estonia and what’s acceptable in Ukraine remain pretty big, which meant that everyone involved in the project had to stay level-headed about the whole thing and go to just that little bit extra effort than they would at home to make sure it all turned out OK in the end,” he explained. “The staff at Eurocon, our subsidiary in Ukraine, were of great help in getting the construction completed – and we’re all the more grateful to them considering how much of a challenge it presented them with.”