Mostotrest Connects Businovskaya Interchange with Korovinskoye Highway
OREANDA-NEWS. December 3, 2012. OJSC Mostotrest has been declared the winner of a tender for the right to conclude a government contract on the construction of the section of the Moscow–St Petersburg Highway running from Businovskaya Interchange to Festivalnaya Street, including the construction of an interchange at the intersection with Festivalnaya Street.
The reconstruction of the road will be conducted based on an order from the Department of Construction of the City of Moscow. The designer is federal unitary enterprise Research and Design Institute for the General Plan of the City of Moscow. Three companies took part in the tender for the construction work: ARKS, OJSC Mostotrest and Turkey’s Enka.
Based on an assessment and comparison of the bids, the tender commission awarded victory to OJSC Mostotrest, whose proposal was the most competitive in terms of the main parameters. In accordance with the bid of OJSC Mostotrest, the value of the contract will total 23.2 billion roubles (including VAT). The planned completion date of the construction work is 18 months from the signing of the government contract.
The section to be rebuilt is located in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. In accordance with the contract, OJSC Mostotrest specialists will have to build a section of the Moscow–St Petersburg Highway as well as a complex interchange that will connect different parts of the Northern Administrative District, which are currently separated by Oktyabrsk Railway. The new section will link Businovskaya Interchange with Korovinskoye Highway.
Under the project, the section from Businovskaya Interchange to Festivalnaya Street will be rebuilt between the right of way of Oktyabrsk Railway, the roadway of Zelenogradskaya Street and a high-rise residential building. The construction work includes the construction of 4 overpasses with total length of 1,530 metres and retaining walls as well as the rearrangement of utility lines in the construction area.
The second section under the contract is the interchange at the intersection of the Moscow–St Petersburg Highway and Festivalnaya Street. As part of the construction work, Festivalnaya Street will be rebuilt from the existing roundabout interchange at the intersection with Petrozavodskaya Street to the junction with Klinskaya Street; an approach to Festivalnaya Street will be built in the direction of the overpass over Oktyabrsk Railway; two overpasses will be built to extend Festivalnaya Street over the railway and over Puteiskaya Street before exiting at Taldomskaya Street; the section of Taldomskaya Street up to the intersection with Korovinskoye Highway will be rebuilt; Puteiskaya Street will be reconstructed in the area of the interchange. Fifteen overpasses will be built with total length of 2,756 metres as well as seven off-ramps in various directions that will support the unrestricted movement of traffic in the area of the interchange.
In order to handle traffic on Zelenogradskaya Street during the construction work, two alternate routes are to be built. There are no plans to disrupt traffic on the section of the street running from Businovskaya Interchange to Festivalnaya Street, except for “windows” when particularly hazardous work will be conducted close to the roadway.
Modern materials and labour organisation methods will be employed during the construction work. The technologies to be used fully comply with modern requirements for the construction industry, which limits the negative impact on the environment.