OREANDA-NEWS. November 27, 2012. Sberbank deputy chairman Sergey Gorkov said the Russian bank will not make any further takeovers for the next three years and will instead focus on growing its overseas assets organically by 60 percent, reported the press-centre of Sberbank.

"We had foreign assets of USD 1 billion, now we have USD 50 billion and we are expecting overseas assets to total USD 80 billion within the next three years", Gorkov told Reuters.

For Sberbank overseas assets will generate 5 percent of group profits next year, with international operations generating almost five percent this year, Gorkov said.

Sberbank expects to grow in  Turkey, Ukraine and  Russia  Gorkov said.

"Margins in the financial  industry  are decreasing in most  European markets  while they are quite stable in  Turkey ," Gorkov said.

Sberbank is now present in nine European countries and will not do any more overseas acquisitions in the next couple of years, Gorkov said, adding: "We have to establish our banking platforms and management systems after recently buying  banks  like VBI, Denizbank".