Moesk Eastern Electric Grids Stand Worthily First Trial by Ice Rain
OREANDA-NEWS. November 22, 2012. Analysis of actions of branches, personnel during high alert regime because of weather conditions on the night of 29th/30th and 30th/31st of October continues in JSC “MOESK”. In Eastern Electric Grids this work is under personal control of Acting Deputy Director General of JSC “MOESK” – Director of branch “Eastern Electric Grids” Andrey Vologin.
- During the current “ice rain” much fewer emergency outages occurred than two years ago, - head of branch pointed out. – Experience, gained by power engineers of Eastern Electric Grids in 2010, helped personnel to stand honorably trial of nature, the first in this autumn-winter period, and successfully realize all the necessary arrangements on restoration of reliable electric power supply of consumers.
Peak of nature cataclysm in eastern and south-eastern part of Moscow Region fell on the evening of 30th and night of 30th/31st of October. For this period 16 outages of electric power occurred in distribution grids, which were detected in six of 12 districts of electric grids of Eastern Electric Grids.
Zaraysk and Ozyory districts of electric grids were the first to take the elements’ stroke. Maximal time for elimination of emergency situations in these districts of electric grids did not exceed two hours, because power engineers met nature’s freaks fully armed, duly gathering emergency response centres, organizing of personnel’s watches, mobilizing of emergency response and restoration teams.
Contrary weather front transferred further to Lukhovitsy, Noginsk, Balashikha and Schyolkovo districts of electric grids. Thus none of socially important objects was de-energized, what can be considered as good actions result of power engineers of MOESK’s branch.
Besides, during the current natural cataclysm specialists of MOESK’s branch acted in close coordination with the corresponding services of municipal formations of Moscow Region, what, absolutely, will help to strengthen interaction on behalf of providing of uninterrupted electric power supply of consumers in the current autumn-winter period.