Power Machines Ship Gas Turbine Equipment for Novokuznetskaya GTPP
OREANDA-NEWS. November 21, 2012. Power Machines OJSC ships a turbogroup – the main equipment of the first gas turbine designed for Novokuznetskaya gas turbine power plant (GTPP).
In 2011 Power Machines and Sibirenergoengineering OJSC (general contractor for Novokuznetskaya GTPP construction) signed a contract to produce and supply two gas turbines complete with generators and also to provide supervision services during their installation and commissioning.
The construction of Novokuznetskaya GTPP (two gas turbine units at Kuznetskaya TPP site) is carried out within the framework of the Capacity Supply Agreement. The project envisages the construction of two gas turbine units with total capacity of 298 MW (each of 149 MW).
The startup of Novokuznetskaya GTPP in 2013 will allow to increase the electric power generation in Kuzbass by 596 million kWh. As a result, it will be able to eliminate power shortage in the south of the region and prevent its occurrence throughout the Kuzbass territory as a whole. The GTPP construction also solves the social problem – it will create about 60 new jobs in Novokuznetsk. Moreover, the development of production capacities will increase the tax revenue to the regional and local budgets.
Today Power Machines have already manufactured two turbogenerators for Novokuznetskaya GTPP and are finishing to manufacture the main equipment for the second gas turbine.
Power Machines cooperated with Siberian Generating Company also manufacture and supply steam turbines and turbogenerators for other two power plants belonging to Kuzbassenergo – Tom-Usinskaya and Belovskaya TPPs. In accordance with the contract terms Power Machines are to supply two 120 MW steam turbines to Tom-Usinskaya power plant, as well as two 225 MW turbines and two turbogenerators for these turbines to Belovskaya tPP. The equipment delivery will be completed in June 2013.