Atomenergoproekt Completed Engineering Surveys for Akkuyu NPP
OREANDA-NEWS. November 21, 2012. Specialists of Atomenergoproekt (Moscow, architect general of Akkuyu NPP) have finished key field work needed to write project documentation for Turkey’s first NPP.
From February until November they carried out geodetic surveys, studies soil and groundwater samples and did other field works. Their results by the end of December will form the basis for an input data package on natural and anthropogenic conditions of the site, which is to be used in design process.
In addition, technical reports on areas of the engineering surveys (engineering and geological, hydro-meteorological, environmental etc.) will be written. Such reports are used, in particular, for producing the plant construction license application package.
At the present time, Atomenergoproekt updates the site parameters monitoring program, which is to start in 2013, and plans for engineering surveys which data will help to produce the construction working documentation.
For information:
The Russian-Turkish Intergovernmental Agreement concerning the cooperation in the area of construction and operation of a nuclear power plant on the Akkuyu site was signed on May 12, 2010 in Ankara. The plan is to build four power units of a total capacity not less than 4,800 MW.
According to the agreement, a project company has been established. It is a joint stock company and is responsible for the plant commissioning. Unit 1 should be put in operation within seven years commencing the granting all documents and licenses needed to start the construction.
The engineering surveys to support Akkuyu NPP construction have been carried out by Atomenergoproekt staff with involvement of local specialists since 2011.