Bashneft EGM Approves New Version of Company Charter
OREANDA-NEWS. November 21, 2012. The new version of the Company’s Charter was approved at the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of JSOC Bashneft held by absentee voting.
Amendments made to JSOC Bashneft’s Charter were related to an increase in the Company’s authorized capital and legal continuity of Bashneft and its subsidiaries consolidated with the Сompany as a result of reorganization (OJSC Ufimsky Refinery Plant, OJSC Novoil, OJSC Ufaneftekhim, OJSC Bashkirnefteprodukt and OJSC Orenburgnefteprodukt).
In accordance with the Charter approved by the Meeting of Shareholders, JSOC Bashneft’s authorized capital totals 227,384,465 roubles (188,710,587 registered ordinary shares and 38,673,878 registered preferred shares with a par value of one rouble).