MegaFon Turns on Communication Facilities at New Olympic Venues in Soc
OREANDA-NEWS. November 15, 2012. MegaFon’s Kavkaz Branch provides technical support for test competitions at the venues of the Winter Games in Krasnaya Polyana. The Operator is the Mobile Partner of the Russian Cup in bobsleigh and skeleton as well as the stage of the Russian Cup in luge.
The competitions will become the final phase for selection of athletes to the national team for participation at international tournaments of the World and European Cups. And MegaFon, the General Partner of 2014 Winter Olympic Games, once again confirms that it is technically prepared to host athletes and guests of competitions in the mountains area near Sochi. The mobile operator has provided for 100% mobile coverage at the Sleigh Sports Center, where the key events of test competitions take place. It is already possible to use mobile voice and data service from MegaFon at the Center, which is 670–840 meters above the sea level and may host 9,000 people.
“Engineers of the company have performed all the necessary work to provide for high quality of mobile communications at the competitions. MegaFon’s new base station was integrated at the Sleigh Sports Center, it will also be used during the Games and afterwards will provide service to the National Training Center,” says Anatoly Gorbunov, director of Sochi division, Kavkaz Branch of MegaFon.
“These competitions are the most effective test-drive of mobile networks operation before the Olympic winter of 2014, because already now we may make maximum-precision testing of our equipment for additional loads. As a result of the recent tests we may announce that MegaFon’s network is 100% ready for the Games in Krasnaya Polyana. Besides, MegaFon helps the RF Ministry of Communications and provides its backbone infrastructure for connection of TETRA network base stations, and during the test competitions trunking communication operation will be also finalized”.
MegaFon is the exclusive mobile partner of the regular test competition and provides unlimited communications for the team of the Organizing Committee at the sport events, including representatives of the Russian Federation Ministry of Sports. Also, thanks to high-speed mobile Internet service from MegaFon, during the test competitions the specialists of ROSHYDROMET perform round-the-clock monitoring of the weather conditions at the Olympic venues.