OREANDA-NEWS. November 9, 2012. ABH Miratorg successfully completed the acceptance of another shipment of breeding Aberdeen-Angus cattle from Australia.

The regular special vessel arrived to Russia from Australia on the 29th of October. The vessel delivered more than 7 900 heads of Aberdeen Angus cattle to Novorossiysk port after one-month voyage. 239 units of special transport means were engaged in transportation of animals to the Holding farms in Pochepsky and Rognedinsky districts of Bryansk region.

In Pochepsky district, Zhitnya farm has been stocked with delivered animals (3 800 cattle heads, including 3 700 replacement heifers and 116 bulls). In Rognedinsky district, Ratovskoye farm has been stocked (4 100 heads of replacement heifers). All the delivered animals are in good body condition thanks to the most comfortable conditions created during the voyage as well as proper feeding.

On each of the farms, the newly arrived animals were allocated to the herds of 250-260 heads per each and have been under 30-days quarantine now.

The acceptance of the next shipment of breeding cattle from the US in amount of 5450 heads is scheduled for December 25, 2012. The animals will be delivered to two farms of Rognedinsky and Pochepsky districts of Bryansk region.

Thus, before the end of this year, ABH Miratorg will increase the dam herd on the farms in Bryansk district to be 67 thousand heads. At present time, the dam herd on the Holding farms in this region is 61 600 heads.

In 2009, ABH Miratorg, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, started to implement in Bryansk region the biggest in Russia project on production of the high-yield meat cattle breeds for the purpose of domestic meat production development and providing the Russian consumers with the high-quality beef. By today, this project on cattle meat production is the biggest in the world as far as the scale of one time keeping of Aberdeen Angus dam herd is concerned. Volume of project investments is more than RUR 24 BLN.