OREANDA-NEWS. November 02, 2012. The best grade Moldova garnered for education (the 59th), Legatum Institute reports. Then follow business opportunities (the 77th), safety (the 79th), privat assets (the 81st), health care (the 84th) and public governance (the 101st). Moldova received the worst grades for the private freedom (the 115th) and economic development (the 124th).

The ranking is headed by Norway, which was followed by Denmark and Sweden. In the order of decreasing the top ten leaders were Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Ireland. The USA was for the first time excluded for the top ten states, occupying the 12 line due to the difficult economic situation.

Economic problems became a reason for most EU states (24 out of 33) to lose their positions this year as compared with 2009. Moldova was left behind by many CIS states.

For example, Kazakhstan was the 46th ; Belarus was the 54th ; Russia ranked the 66th, Uzbekistan occupied the 64th line, Ukraine was the 71st, Georgia ranked the 93rd; Azerbaijan ranked the 94th, Armenia – the 98th, Romania occupied the 60th line AND Turkey was the 89th. The idex has been made since 1006 to measure public prosperity and development worldwide.