OREANDA-NEWS. October 30, 2012. The Federal Passenger Company, a subsidiary of Russian Railways, is to develop and introduce new transportation security systems on its long-distance trains, reported the press-centre of RZD.

The move is in accordance with Federal Law No. 16-FZ “On Transport Security” dated 9 February 2007 and Order No. 43 “On The Approval Of Requirements To Ensure Transport Security By Taking Into Account Security Levels For Different Categories Of Transport Infrastructure Objects And Means of Transport Used In Rail Transport” issued by Russia’s Ministry of Transport and dated 8 February 2011.

As a pilot project, Train No. 102/102 “Sochi Premium” operating between Moscow - Adler has been selected to test the hardware and software solutions to be used in developing the security systems to be installed on passenger trains. The train will be fitted with a modern range of equipment which will significantly enhance the security and safety controls in the carriages themselves and the way to the actual trains.

A video surveillance system, an alarm system, a monitoring and access control system, a technological communications system and a satellite communications and navigation system will be installed in the train’s carriages, as well as an integrated inter-carriage and internal data communication system to the communications server at the Federal Passenger Company’s Situation Centre.

The equipment and systems installed on this train will allow continuous round the clock monitoring of each carriage’s internal situation and the rapid transmission of information to the communications server at the Federal Passenger Company’s Situation Centre. The relevant government agencies can use the reports and information received from the recording devices to analyse the operator’s actions.

The pilot project is due to run until May 2013. The Federal Passenger Company will prepare a report on the project’s results and on the necessity of installing security systems in passenger trains and their adequacy.