Krasny Kotelshchik Shipped Equipment for Zaporozhskaya TPP
OREANDA-NEWS. October 26, 2012. The Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik” (the main manufacturing facilities of PJSC EMAlliance, a member of the power plant concern Power Machines) has manufactured and shipped eight pulverized-coal and gas burners for Unit No.3 of Zaporozhskaya TPP (Ukraine). New equipment with weight of 63 tons will be installed in the furnace of the boiler TPP-312А. The burners have completed range of products for the third Plant Unit. Earlier heating surfaces and spare parts to RAPHs were shipped to the Customer.
According to the Contract concluded in November 2011, EMAlliance obliged to design, manufacture and supply the burners and also heating surfaces and spare parts to RAPHs for Unit No.3 of Zaporozhskaya TPP (DTEK Dneproenergo). The specialists of PJSC Engineering Centre EMAlliance carried out design works (Taganrog). The equipment is manufactured by the Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny Kotelshchik”.
Peculiarity of this Project is application of the swirl instrument of axial type with adjustable characteristics in the burner device design. Angle of instrument vanes installation can vary in the alignment procedure by means of the drive installed on the burner box. At that, there appears a chance to influence such performance of the boiler furnace as slagging, corrosion, ecological parameters.
At designing of the equipment there also provided cladding with wear-resistant materials of all burner elements subjected to abrasing effect of coal-dust flow. Such decision will allow to increase burner maintenance-free service life.
Burners are intended for combustion of Donetsk gas coals of rank GSC and natural gas in the furnace of the boiler TPP-312А. Due to the new equipment there will be provided reliable operation of the boiler in the wide load range.
We would like to remind that earlier “Krasny Kotelshchik” participated in the technical re-equipment of the boiler TPP-312А of the Unit No.1 of Zaporozhskaya TPP. In particular, eight pulverized-coal and gas burners were supplied to the Plant.