MICEX-RTS Group Released Weekly Market Report October 08 - 12
OREANDA-NEWS. October 17, 2012. The total trading volume in MICEX-RTS equaled RUB7 trillion for the week. Average daily trading volume amounted to RUB1,392 billion, which is 4.5% down from the previous week. Trading in securities, RDRs and mutual funds units made up 2% (RUB145 billion) of the total trading volume, the Fixed Income Market share was 4% (RUB244 billion), the Derivatives market share was 14%
(RUB949 billion), the FX and Money Market share was 81% (RUB 5,621 billion).
Secondary market trading volume totaled RUB145 billion last week. Average daily trading volume was RUB29 billion, i.e. 17.8% down from the previous week. The Main Market sector made up 94% of the total secondary market trading volume, the Standard sector was 6%, the Classica sector was 0.3% only. OTC trades volume equaled RUB92 billion or 39% of the combined value of secondary market trades and OTC trades.
Over the week, the MICEX Index went down by 2.1% to reach 1,446.01 points (1,477.6 as of October 05, 2012). The dollar- denominated RTS Index was down by 2.4% to reach 1,472.36 points (1,508.72 as of October 05, 2012 ). The US dollar appreciated by 0.1% against the ruble. Capitalization of the cash equity market shed 2.4% and amounted to USD788.7 billion as of the last day of the week (USD807.72 billion as of October 05, 2012).
Ordinary shares of the following blue chip company surged: Polyus Gold (by 2.7% to RUB1,060.2). Prices of the following ordinary shares shed: LUKOIL (by 0.6% to RUB1,923),
Surgutneftegas (by 1.6% to RUB28.3), Sberbank (by 1.6% to RUB91.5), Rosneft (by 1.7% to RUB208.39), Rostelecom (by 1.8% to RUB132.8), VTB Bank (by 1.9% to RUB0.05), FGC UES (by 2.2% to RUB0.23), Norilsk Nickel (by 3.3% to RUB4,806), GAZPROM (by 4.2% to RUB152.36).
The week's top sellers were ordinary shares of Sberbank of Russia (SBER) with a turnover of RUB38 billion (26% of a total trading volume) followed by GAZPROM (GAZP) with a turnover of RUB31 billion (21%), LUKOIL (LKOH) with RUB11 billion (8%), Norilsk Nickel (GMKN) with RUB6 billion (4%) and VTB Bank (VTBR) with RUB6 billion (4%). Other securities absorbed RUB53 billion (37%) of the total trading volume.
Last week trading volume on the secondary market for Fixed Income Instruments equaled RUB244 billion. Average trading volume amounted to RUB49 billion, that is 5.4% down from the previous week. the secondary market turnover was RUB87 billion in corporate bonds (36% of the total trading volume), RUB5 billion in regional bonds (2%), and RUB152 billion in government bonds (62%). Total volume of bond issues placed amounted to RUB76 billion.
The MICEX Corporate Bond Index (MICEX CBI CP) reached 92.37 points (92.35 points as of October 05, 2012),
The MICEX Municipal Bond Index (MICEX MBI CP) was down 0.06% to 96.73 points (92.79 points as of October 05, 2012), the Russian Government Bond Index (RGBI) was up 0.59% to 133.69 points (132.9 points as of October 05, 2012).
The total trading volume on the MICEX-RTS Derivatives Market equaled RUB949 billion or 20 billion contracts for the week. The average daily volume traded on the Market was RUB190 billion, which is 20.5% down from the previous week. The total open interest as of the last day of the week reached RUB236 billion (6 million contracts). Index derivatives made 63% of the total trading volume (RUB599 billion), equity derivatives made 5% (RUB44 billion), FX derivatives made 30% (RUB284 billion), interest rate derivatives made 4% (RUB04 billion), and commodity derivatives made 1.9% (RUB18billion).
The last week's bestsellers of the Derivatives Market were the RTS Index futures contract (RTS) with the trading volume reaching RUB597 billion (63%), the USD/RUB FX futures contract (Si-) with RUB261 billion (27%), the EUR/USD FX futures contract (ED-) with RUB22 billion (2%), the Futures contract on Sberbank ordinary shares (SBR) with RUB18 billion (2%) and the Futures contract on Gazprom ordinary shares (GAZ) with RUB13 billion (1%). Other derivative instruments were traded for a total of RUB38 billion (4%).
Last week the ruble weakened against the US dollar, but strengthened against the euro. The US dollar with tomorrow settlement added 3.9 kopecks (0.1%) reaching 30.9798 rubles per dollar. The euro with tomorrow settlement fell by 10.9 kopecks (0.3%), reaching 40.1613 rubles per euro as of October 12,2012.
The FX Market trading volume totaled RUB2,222 billion for the week. The average daily trading volume was RUB444 billion, which is 9.1% down from the previous week. Spot trading volume reached RUB1,139 billion or 51.3% of the total trading volume. Swap operations accounted for 48.7% of the total trading volume (RUB1,083 billion). The EUR/RUB transactions made up 15.8% (RUB351 billion) of the total trading volume on the Market, the USD/RUB and the EUR/USD transactions, the CHY/RUB transactions and transactions in the dual currency basket made up 83.4% (RUB1,853 billion), 0.7% (RUB16 billion), 0.01% (RUB0.2 billion), 0.1% (RUB2 billion) respectively.
The Money Market trading volume equaled RUB3,399 billion last week. The average daily trading volume was RUB680 billion, which is 5.7% up from the previous week. Volume of inter-dealer repo transactions on the Money Market amounted to RUB1,524 billion (44.8% from the total trading volume), volume of direct repo transactions with the Bank of Russia equaled RUB1,704 billion (50.1%), volume of Bank of Russia deposit operations reaced RUB171 billion (5%) including Bank of Russia deposits of RUB171 billion and deposit auctions of RUB 1 billion).