OREANDA-NEWS. October 15, 2012. Vnesheconombank Chairman participated in the session of the Long Term Investors Club Coordinating Committee held in Luxemburg in the European Investment Bank Headquarters.

Members of the Coordinating Committee discussed the Club’s performance for the past year as well as new programs and initiatives. In the course of the session a decision was made to admit the Development Bank of Japan to the Club.

Vnesheconombank’s delegation also participated in the 4th International Conference of the Long Term Investors Club. Board Member – Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman Sergei Vasiliev acted as a moderator of the conference’s main session devoted to long term financing influence on economic growth.

The session’s participants – major politicians, economists and businessmen discussed issues of improving cooperation aimed developing favorable conditions for funding promising long-term projects.

High priority was also given to upgrading mechanisms for providing long-term financing in such sectors as infrastructure, small and medium-sized enterprises, power engineering and environmental protection.

The Long-Term Investors Club was created in April of 2009 at major European institutional investors’ initiative. The Club’s principal objective is to develop a joint investment policy as well as to enhance cooperation between major global investors. At present, the Club is comprised of such financial institutions as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the China Development Bank, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, the German State-Owned Development Bank (KfW), Caisse des Depots Consignations (CDC) and others. Vnesheconombank Chairman Vladimir Dmitriev is a member of the Long Term Investors Club Coordinating Commkittee.Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman S.A Vasiliev is Vnesheconombank’s representative (Sherpa) in the Long-Term Investors Club.