Moscow Exchange Group Released Weekly Market Report 24 - 28 September
OREANDA-NEWS. October 15, 2012. The total trading volume in Moscow Exchnage equaled RUB8.3 trillion for the week. Average daily trading volume amounted to RUB1,653 billion, 4 % up from the previous week. Trading in securities, RDRs and mutual funds units made up 2% (RUB181 billion) of the total trading volume, the fixed income market share was 3% (RUB280 billion), the derivatives market - 13% (RUB1,090 billion), the FX and money market - 81% (RUB6.713 billion).
Secondary market trading volume totaled RUB181 billion last week. Average daily trading volume was RUB36 billion, down 42.9% from the previous week. The Main Market sector made up 95% of the total secondary market trading volume, the Standard sector - 5%, the Classica sector - 0.1%. OTC trades volume equaled RUB165 billion or 48% of the combined value of secondary market trades and OTC trades.
Over the week, the MICEX Index went down by 2.6% to reach 1,458.26 points (1,496.65 as of September 21, 2012 ). The dollar- denominated RTS Index went down by 3.1% to reach 1,475.7 points (1,522.63 as of September 21, 2012 ). The US dollar depreciated by 0.2% against the ruble. Capitalization of the cash equity market shed 1.1% and amounted to USD798.59 billion as of the last day of the week (USD807.46 billion as of September 21, 2012).
Ordinary shares of the following blue chip companies surged: FGC UES — by 0.3% to RUB0.23, Rosneft — by 0.5% to RUB210.92, LUKOIL — by 1.1% to RUB1,922.3, NORILSK NICKEL — by 1.5% to RUB4,950, Surgutneftegas — by 1.6% to RUB28.16, Polyus Gold — by 2.1% to RUB1,031.1, Rostelecom — by 3.2% to RUB134.4, Sberbank of Russia — by 3.4% to RUB90.99, GAZPROM — by 3.7% to RUB157.75, VTB Bank — by 5.9% to RUB0.05.
The week's top sellers were ordinary shares of Sberbank (SBER) with a turnover of RUB54 billion (30% of a total trading volume) followed by GAZPROM (GAZP) with a turnover of RUB29 billion (16%), LUKOIL (LKOH) - RUB13 billion (7%), VTB Bank (VTBR) - RUB12 billion (7%), and Rosneft (ROSN) - RUB8 billion (4%), other securities absorbed RUB65 billion (36%) of the total trading volume.
Last week trading volume on the secondary market for fixed income instruments equaled RUB280 billion. Average trading volume amounted to 56 billion, up 34% from the previous week. Secondary market turnover in corporate bonds was RUB165 billion (59% of the total trading volume), in regional bonds - RUB16 billion c (6%), government bonds - RUB99 billion (35%). Total volume of bonds issues placed amounted to RUB54 billion.
The MICEX Corporate Bond Index (MICEX CBI CP) appreciated by 0.13% to reach 92.37 points (92.25 points as of September 21, 2012 ), The MICEX Municipal Bond Index (MICEX MBI CP) was up 0.44% to 96.76 points (96.34 points as of September 21, 2012 ), the Russian Government Bond Index (RGBI) was up 0.05% to 132.4 points (132.33 points as of September 21, 2012 ).
The total trading volume on the Moscow Exchnage Derivatives Market equaled RUB1,090 billion or 24 billion contracts for the w The average daily volume traded on the market was RUB218 billion, 9.1% down from the previous week. The total open interest i the last day of the week reached RUB6 billion or 236 million contracts. Index derivatives made 59% of the total trading vol (RUB641 billion), equity derivatives — 5% (RUB51 billion),FX derivatives - 34% (RUB373 billion), interest rate derivatives - (RUB03 billion), and commodity derivatives - 2% (RUB22 billion).
The last week's bestsellers of the derivatives market were the RTS Index futures contract (RTS), with a trading volume reaching RUB638 billion (59%), USD/RUB FX futures contract (Si-) with RUB344 billion (32%), EUR/USD FX futures contract (ED-) with — RUB28 billion (3%), the futures on Sberbank ordinary shares (SBR) with RUB24 billion (2%), and the futures on Gazprom ordinary shares (GAZ) with RUB13 billion (1%), other derivative instruments were traded for a total of RUB43 billion (4%).
The US dollar and euro weakened against the ruble last week The US dollar with tomorrow settlement fell by 30.3 kopecks (0.2%) reaching 30.9964 rubles per dollar. The euro with tomorrow settlement fell by 30.3 kopecks (0.8%), reaching 40.0755 rubles per euro as of September 28, 2012 .
The FX Market trading volume for the week totaled RUB2,843 billion. The average daily trading volume was RUB569 billion, down 0.2% from the previous week. Spot trading volume reached RUB1,446 billion or 50.9% of the total trading volume. Swap operations accounted for 49.1% of the total trading volume (RUB1,397 billion). The USD/RUB transactions made up 83.5% of the total trading volume on the Market with a total value of RUB2,375 billion, the EUR/RUB transactions, the EUR/USD transactions, the CHY/RUB transactions and transactions in the dual currency basket made up 15.6% (RUB442 billion), 0.8% (RUB22 billion), 0.01% (RUB0.18 billion) and 0.01% (RUB4 billion).
The Money Market trading volume equaled RUB3,870 billion last week. The average daily trading volume was RUB774 billion, 14.9% up from the previous week. Volume of inter-dealer repo transactions on the Money Market amounted to RUB1,574 billion (40.7% from the total trading volume), volume of direct repo transactions with the Bank of Russia - RUB2,122 billion (54.8%), volume of Bank of Russia's deposit operations - RUB174 billion (4.5%) including Bank of Russia's deposits - RUB174 billion, and deposit auctions - RUB1 billion).