Ryanair Announces Six New Dortumund Routes
OREANDA-NEWS. October 12, 2012. Ryanair, Europe’s only ultra-low cost airline, today (10 Oct) announced it will launch 6 new routes from Dortmund to Alghero, Barcelona (Gir), Faro, Malaga, Porto and Palma in March 2013 which will deliver over 200,000 passengers p.a. and sustain over 200 “on-site” jobs* at Dortmund Airport with 14 weekly flights.
Ryanair celebrated these 6 new Dortmund routes by launching a 100,000 seat sale at prices starting from €12 for travel across Europe on Mon, Tues, Wed and Thur in November and December, which are available for booking until midnight Mon (15 Oct). Ryanair’s 6 new Dortmund routes will begin in March 2013 and will be available for booking on www.ryanair.com tomorrow.
In Dortmund today, Ryanair’s Michael Cawley said:
“Ryanair is delighted to announce 6 new routes to/from Dortmund (our 11th German airport) beginning in March 2013 which go on sale on www.ryanair.com tomorrow. German consumers/visitors can now beat the recession and escape Air Berlin’s and Lufthansa’s high fares and fuel surcharges by switching to Ryanair’s lowest fares and our no fuel surcharge guarantee to 6 exciting destinations all over Europe ,including Barcelona, Malaga and Palma, among others. Ryanair’s 200,000 passengers p.a. will sustain up to 200 “on-site” jobs* at Dortmund Airport.”
Markus Bunk, Dortmund Airport CEO, said:
“This is a great vote of confidence in the potential of both the airport and our region from Europe's largest airline. Today's announcement will help create much needed jobs and tourism and shows that Ryanair shares our confidence in the tremendous opportunity for strong market growth here at Dortmund Airport.”