OREANDA-NEWS. October 09, 2012. This is stipulated by amendments to the Law of Advertising and Code of Administrative Offence, passed by the Parliament.

The amendments are aimed at protecting rights of consumers. The amendments were initiated by deputies of the Liberal Party faction. According to them, thanks to the amendments, moviegoers will be dispensed with the necessity of watching long-lasting advertisements before movies. Infringing the ban on showing advertisements in cinemas is expected to be fined 50 to 300 conventional units, or 1 thou. to 6 thou. leis.

The ban was disputed by deputies of the faction of CPRM. They considered this measure as the attack against the private business and violation of the freedom of business. According to the communists, banning acommercials before and after movies, which partially cover costs by film distributors, will lead to higher prices for tickets and to possible closures of cinemas in Moldova. Communists pointed out that introducing these amendments will entail bans on advertising in public conveyances and route taxies, hospitals , etc, where consumers are also offered ads of some goods and services.

According to liberals, the prices for tickets will not grow since they are limited to the purchasing power of the population. Earlier, Minister of Culture Boris Focsa drew attention that as a rule, commercials are not shown in cinemas abroad. If they are, moviegoers know about it through film billboards.