OREANDA-NEWS. October 08, 2012. In September 2012, 106.4 million tons of freight were loaded onto the Russian Railways’ network, 3.6% more than in September 2011, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.

Freight turnover in September 2012 increased over the same month last year by 6.8% to 181.5 billion tariff ton-kilometres.

Freight turnover including empty wagon runs during the same month increased by 4.4% to 225.6 billion ton-kilometres.

According to the latest figures, loading in January-September 2012 amounted to 953.1 million tons, 3.4% more than in the same period of 2011.

During January-September 2012, the railways shipped the following freight (figures in brackets compare the change to January-September 2011):

coal - 225.8 million tons (+4.1%);
coke - 9.7 million tons (-1.9%);
oil and petroleum products - 191.7 million tons (+3%);
iron and manganese ore - 81.6 million tons (-1.4%);
ferrous metals - 55.7 million tons (+0.5%);
ferrous metal scrap - 13.6 million tons (-11.9%);
chemical and mineral fertilisers - 34 million tons (-1.9%);
cement - 27.6 million tons (+3.3%);
timber - 27.9 million tons (-10.3%);
grain and milled products - 15.1 million tons (+16.3%);
construction materials - 139.3 million tons (+18.7%);
non-ferrous ores and sulphur feedstock - 17 million tons (-6.8%);
chemicals and soda - 21 million tons (-3.2%);
industrial raw materials and moulded materials - 26.7 million tons (+10.7%).

Freight turnover since the beginning of 2012 amounted to 1,658.1 billion tariff ton-km (+5.4%) and to 2,078.4 trillion ton-km (+3.9%) including empty wagon runs.