OREANDA-NEWS. October 08, 2012. Vladimir Yakunin, President of Russian Railways, and Vladimir Moldaver, the head of Moscow Railways, attended a presentation of the Training Center for the Vocational Training of Engine Drivers and Assistant Locomotive Engineers at Moscow Railways, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.

In order to improve the system of technical training and the technical knowledge of locomotive crews, ensure the reliable operation of technical equipment, implement operational work, improve train safety at Moscow Railways, the Training Center has been set up to train engine crews using new and modern approaches to the teaching process.

After visiting the Centre, Vladimir Yakunin said that Moscow Railways now had a unique training complex which provided the opportunity not only for professional, but also for personal development.

The Training Center is located near Presnya train station on the Small Ring of the Moscow Circle Railway Line and includes an administrative building, three educational buildings with specialised lecture theatres, a library, a health centre, a hall of residence, a sport complex with open sports fields and outbuildings. Its complex of one-story brick buildings was built between 1903 and 1908 which belong to a group of newly discovered cultural heritage objects. The total area of the buildings is more than 7,000 m?.

Technical training for locomotive crews at Moscow Railways hase been held at the centre since October 2011. In the 11 months since then, 1,122 people have undergone fulltime training.