OREANDA-NEWS.  October 08, 2012. The Federal Antimonopoly Service monitors execution of No.409 Order of FAS Russia “On Approving the Procedures for Providing a List of Affiliated Persons to an Exchange by an Economic Entity that Has Dominant Position on the Relevant Market, Accredited and (or) Taking Part in Competitive Bidding (Particularly, by Filing Bids for Taking Part in Competitive Bidding to a Broker, Brokers)” of 26th June 2012, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

To this purpose, FAS has enquired information from the following commodity exchanges – “SPIMEX” CJSC (St Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange), “MMTB” OJSC (Moscow International Commodity Exchange) and “St Petersburg” Exchange” CJSC.

FAS drafted the Order to enforce Clause 3 Part 5 Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition”. The Order established the Procedures for providing a list of affiliated persons to an exchange by an economic entity that has a dominant position on the relevant market, accredited and (or) participating in competitive bidding (particularly, by filling bids for taking part competitive bidding to a broker, brokers).

On 15th August 2012, the FAS Order was official published in “Rossiiskaya Gazeta” newspaper and came into effect on 26th August 2012.


Under Clause 12 No.763 Order of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Rules for Drafting Normative Legal Acts of the Federal Executive Bodies and their State Registration” of 23rd May 1996, normative legal acts of the federal executive bodies come into force simultaneously on the entire territory of the Russian Federation ten days after their official publishing, unless the acts establish different procedures for coming into effect.