OREANDA-NEWS.  October 08, 2012. Bank Vozrozhdenie is ranked 6th among banks by quantity of “active” plastic cards, as of July 01, 2012, having gained 2 positions comparing with Q1 2011, according to RBC.Rating agency. Ranks are assigned on the basis of aggregate of characteristics of total quantity of cards in circulation and quantity of cards issued during Q1 2012, including both newly issued and reissued, reported the press-centre of Bank Vozrozhdenie.

"The increase in quantity of active cards is not our goal in itself, — Mark Nakhmanovich, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Bank Vozrozhdenie, noticed. — We care about the client for whom a card is a convenient and practic financial instrument for solving tasks of every day and who is interested in using it. Our card is a complex of comfortable and useful services, therefore the activity of our clients is permanently growing".

Due to developed infrastructure, modern and convenient self-services, today, more than 1.4 mln people are active users of Bank Vozrozhdenie plastic cards. Among them — employees of more than 14,000 companies cooperating with Bank Vozrozhdenie within the framework of payroll programmes.

Rise in quantity of issued bank cards reached +77,000 (36%) in Q1 2012 Y-o-Y having resulted in 2 positions gained in the corresponding ranking. Total quantity of the cards issued during Q1 2012 is 5 positions higher than average result among TOP-20 banks-today’s market leaders. Almost 60% growth in quantity of newly issued cards gained 3 points for Bank Vozrozhdenie’s position in the corresponding ranking. The Bank also gained 2 positions by the quantity of reissued cards.