OREANDA-NEWS. October 08, 2012. Illustrated Books for Small Blind Children Fund awarded ITERA International Group of Companies that celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, an honor certificate for long-term charity activities, reported the press-centre of ITERA.

The awarding ceremony was held in the Sergievo-Posad Children's Home for Children Suffering Blindness with Deafness, where ITERA once again made a donation of books to. Raissa Bisenek, the curatrix, congratulated ITERA with its 20th anniversary, having noted how much specialized books were important for full integration into the normal environment of visually impaired children.

ITERA has been continuing its charitable work from the moment of its formation. It has been supporting the Program for Production of Books for Blind Children for 13 years. It used to hold a few charitable events in regions where the Company used to operate, every year. ITERA has been repeatedly awarded with UNESCO Gold Certificates and Gold Medals for its involvement.

"ITERA responds to our request to help the Illustrated Books for Small Blind Children Program every year. It is very pleasant that the Company does not just transfer money for us to buy special books, but carefully gets prepared to the event: representatives of the Company always get acquainted with all children, talk to tutors and managers, ask about our needs. It is to the credit of the Company that it is involved in charitable activities in various parts of Russia and abroad. Many thanks to ITERA for the great job", - Raissa Bisenek commented.

"ITERA implements an important principle, which is participation in all positive events and rendering assistance to people in need. I am very glad that, according to our partners and wards,  good deeds of the Company in the field of charity get  response in the form of such sincere gratitude, which testifies to, among other things, the general social responsibility of the Russian business", - Vyacheslav Nazarov, Chairman of ITERA Charity and Sponsorship Council, pointed out.