Perm Engine Company’s PS-90A Engines Stands Test of Time
OREANDA-NEWS. September 28, 2012. On September, 25th the 11th anniversary of on-wing operation of one of PS-90A engines belonging to Special Aircraft Division "Rossiya" of Administrative Department of the President of Russian Federation was celebrated. It is not for nothing that this engine can be named a long-liver - it has been mounted at Il-96-300 aircraft #96019 and been working without repair since 2001, keeping its high operational performance.
The PS-90A engine is the last development of Pavel Solovjev, a designer, and it took the name of its creator. Being batch-produced at "Perm Engine Company" PS-90A is one of the most significant achievements of Russian aviation industry of the 90-ties of the 20th century. Today it is the only Russian aircraft engine of the 4th generation, which is mounted on middle-haul and long-haul aircrafts. The development of PS-90A engine at the beginning of the 90-ties of the 20th century allowed raising of the economic efficiency of the national long-distance aircrafts of the new generation almost twice, increasing the length of their flight by up to 14 thousand kilometers, and ensuring conformity to the world standards of emitting harmful substances in the atmosphere and noise standards. The PS-90A construction realizes state-of-the-art world requirements for security, economical efficiency and operational feasibility. Sophisticated integrated diagnostic system gives the opportunity of safe operation of the engine within the long term according to its technical state and without resources fixed in hours. Since the moment of certification in 1992 the engine has been upgraded in construction, the technology of its production has been improved, and all this allowed increasing its reliability and life cycle.
National and foreign airlines operate about 280 PS-90A engines and its modifications: all the engines are being run at 82 long-distance aircrafts in 11 national and 5 foreign airline companies, including Il-96-300PU aircrafts of the President of the Russian Federation.
Since the beginning of 2012 the park of the Special Aircraft Division (SAD) "Rossiya" of the Administrative Department of the President of Russian Federation has been completed with 4 aircrafts with Perm engines PS-90A. The customer got two Tu-204-300 aircraft, one Il-96-300 and one Tu-214SU aircrafts. In the moment there are 16 aircrafts equipped with PS-90A engines, serving SAD: 11 airliners of Tu-204/214 family and 5 Il-96-300 aircrafts.
Alexey Mikhalev, "Perm Engine Company" CEO:
- The main principle of "Perm Engine Company" is the strict control of the quality of the production and continuous and subsequent work at improving engine technological performance. Applying these principles we have been producing engines for aircrafts for decades, the engines, which are chosen by the first persons of our country. In 2012 we are planning to fulfill the order of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation to supply 7 PS-90A engines of the special purpose.
For reference use:
Federal State Budgetary Institution "Special Aircraft Division "Rossiya"" is an aviation enterprise, managed by the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. The enterprise activity is aimed at providing air transportation of the first persons of the Russian Federation: the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the RF, the Chairman of the Federal Council of the Federal Assembly of the RF, the Prosecutor General of the RF, The chief manager of the Administration of the President of the RF and the Minister of Foreign affairs.
"Perm Engine Company" OJSC is a serial manufacturer of aircraft engines for civil and military application and gas turbines for power generation and gas transport.
"PMZ" OJSC is included into "United Engine Building Corporation"- 100% specialized subsidiary of OJSC "UIC "OBORONPROM" for engine building companies assets management.
"UIC "OBORONPROM" OJSC is a multi-profile machine-building group founded in 2002. It is included into the State Company "Russian Technologies". The primary businesses: helicopter building (OJSC "Russian Helicopters"), engine building (MC "UEC") and others.