OREANDA-NEWS. September 21, 2012. Kreditprombank became one of Top 10 Ukrainian financial institutions of the 1st and 2nd groups (according to NBU classification) that raised the biggest amount of term deposits from population, reported the press-centre of Kreditprombank.

Thus, according to the information of the Association of Ukrainian Banks, the increase of the portfolio of term deposits of retail clients of the bank in July made UAH  78.1 mln or 1.7%.

High popularity of term deposits is rather clear as they are the most reliable and attractive saving tool.

Increase of the amount of retail term deposits was to the great extent conditioned by the Kreditprombank’s deposit campaign “Hot Rates” the participants of which get higher interest rates: thus, placing deposit “Classic” each client can get up to 24.5% p.a. The campaign will continue till 27 September 2012 (inclusive). You can learn the details from the information center by telephone: 0 800 507 909, or on the web-site of the bank.

Additionally, deposit “Classic” placed in US Dollars for 12 months plus 2 days with monthly payment of interest is recognized by the company “Prostobank Consulting” as the best offer for USD deposits among the market leaders. Let us remind that the rate on this deposit is 9.5%. Minimal amount of deposit is USD 100.