Skolkovo Business School and FGC UES Hold Youth Round Table
OREANDA-NEWS. September 17, 2012. On September 12-14 the Youth round table of FGC UES, JSCwill take place within the international economic conference in Ulan-Ude. The subject is “The development of the energy and energy infrastructure as a factor of the economic growth of Siberia and the Far East. The youth aspect”.
The organizers of the event are FGC UES, JSC, and the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.
FGC UES is the company that defines the requirements to the young specialists personal professional preparation and readiness to make a contribution to the future of the industry.
The main goal of the Youth round table, which starts today in Ulan-Ude, is to discuss with the forum participants the current state of FGC UES in the structure of the country’s energy-grid complex. The young specialists will get to know the tasks the company faces in the light of global and local trends of the industry development.
In the course of the Youth round table the company together with the young people will determine possible forms of organization of student and young scientist work and discuss the opportunities for the future cooperation.
The participants will be divided into thematic groups, each of them will present its own project ideas directed at the development of the existing system of specialists preparation. The project ideas will be presented to Mr. Budargin, Chairman of FGC UES, JSC.