Skolkovo Launches New Season
OREANDA-NEWS. September 17, 2012. The Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO launches a new season! Its sixth anniversary the business school is celebrating by presenting new educational programmes. The business education is assumed to respond to the market demands being a couple of steps ahead, and the SKOLKOVO business school as the place that unites leaders of the future demonstrates new facets of its one-of-a-lind approach to studying promptly reacting on changes and anticipating needs of its students. The new academic year at the SKOLKOVO business school means new opportunities, useful acquaintances, efficient cooperation and fresh ideas!
The core innovations are:
The multi-module intergrated leader development programme for LUKOIL Overseas. The core goal of the educational course is to prepare leaders able to efficiently manage major international projects focusing on the existing request – to train a pool of high-qualified specialists inside the company. On the final stage of the course participants will present their own projects that can be applied for the company's activity to the management fo LUKOIL Overseas and LUKOIL. The duration of the corporate programme sets a new record in the history of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Eight modules will last for 50 days.
One more unique course in the SKOLKOVO Executive Education range is an educational programme for Sberbank that has been elaborated by the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO together with the London Business School. The first inteke will be formed out of 300 regional managers of the bank that will start studying in April 2013. The major goal of the programme is to identify new trends in the banking business development and set motion vectors of Sberbank taking into account changes in the branch on the world level. The programme comprises four modules that will take place once in three months on the SKOLKOVO business school Campus. A brand new course element is an opportunity of distant studying between the modules. Moreover the programme participants will practice their skills during internships in banks of Europe and emerging countries. Each group of participants under the guidance of high-qualified coaches will work out their own projects that in the end they will have to present for expert assessment to Sberbank management.
In the end of October the second SKOLKOVO Startup Academy class, which is being formed now, will start studying. This two-month module programme is designed for those who would like to open his own business or accelerate an existing startup project with an opportunity of seed financing. Learning from the best international practicing professors of entrepreneurship together with real work on business projects enable participants to bring their startups on a new level. The SKOLKOVO Startup Academy started its work only in June 2012, but the project has already proved to be successful. During the studying one of the students of the SKOLKOVO Startup Academy first class has received significant investments from the Softline Venture Partners fund for the development of his project Smart Start.
The core educational programmes of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO are being developed and attract new students as well. In the beginning of September the fourth SKOLKOVO MBA class started its studying. The class significnatly broadens the programme geography: there are new students from France, the Netherlands, Uzbekistan, South Africa, Finland, USA, Ukraine, Armenia, etc. Several SKOLKOVO Executive MBA groups continue their studying on the SKOLKOVO business school Campus. And in October and November new English and Russian classes will join them.