General Director of IDGC of Centre Visited Smolensk Region
OREANDA-NEWS. September 14, 2012. General Director of IDGC of Centre Dmitry Gudzhoyan held a visiting meeting in Smolensk on preparation of Smolenskenergo for the autumn-winter operation period.
The meeting summarized the implementation of the branch's maintenance and investment programs. Given the experience of passing the "freezing rain"on the territory of Smolensk region in the winter of 2010, a special emphasis in the preparation of the branch was given to a significant increase in the volume and quality of clearing and expansion of ROWs. In 2012, in the Smolensk region ROWs along overhead lines were cleared over an area of ??two hectares, the ROWs were expanded in an area of over 625 hectares. The power engineers had a task unconditionally to perform the clearing plan before the date of receipt of the certificate of readiness.
The meeting also discussed issues of formation of the repair program, on which this year about 113 million rubles were spent. The investment program of Smolenskenergo for 2012 includes capital expenditures in excess of 1 billion, 89% of which goes to the modernization and reconstruction of power grid facilities. Until the end of 2012, all work in this area will be carried out at 100 percent.
Particular emphasis in preparation for the winter is on working out the interaction between all organizations somehow involved in the operation through the autumn-winter period: IDGC of Centre —Smolenskenergo division, FGC UES "Bryansk enterprise MES”, Smolensk TCC of SO UES, EMERCOM of Russia in the Smolensk region, MGI "Civil Defense and Emergencies Office of Smolensk”. Between the companies a cooperation agreement was signed under which an information exchange on the availability of emergency reserve, materials, and personnel for restoration was organized. According to the schedule, a joint training was held, in which a clear interaction with emergency management was worked out.
"Preparing for the autumn-winter period is the most crucial period for the entire energy sector, — underlined Dmitry Gudzhoyan — Besides the unconditional implementation of all planned activities to prepare for the autumn-winter period, you should also pay more attention to customer information to operate in winter maximum conditions, daily monitoring of requests of customers in order to improve the work of all departments of IDGC of Centre.”