Russian Helicopters and NefteGazAeroCosmos Sign Contract
OREANDA-NEWS. September 10, 2012. Russian Helicopters, part of state defence holding Oboronprom and a leading global designer and manufacturer of helicopters, announces that it has signed a contract with the NefteGazAeroCosmos research and production centre to deliver 18 light Ka-226TG helicopters. The helicopters are scheduled for delivery in 2013-2014, with the buyer receiving the first six machines in 2013 and the rest the following year.
The contract stipulates the technical specifications and configuration of the new helicopters. The Ka-226TG, a modernized version of the Ka-226T, is designed to meet the client’s needs for operations in the Far North and on the Arctic shelf, including in conditions of limited visibility and rapid air temperature fluctuations.
The Ka-226TG is equipped with an advanced KBO-226TG avionics suite, and can carry out long-distance operations at night as well as in dense fog and heavy precipitation. The helicopter is also equipped with additional fuel tanks, substantially increasing its maximum flight range.
The Ka-226TG uses the standard twin-engine configuration using Arrius 2G1 turboshafts made by Turbomeca (a Safran Group company). The engines were certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in October 2011 and the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) in January 2012.
The Ka-226TG helicopters acquired by NefteGazAeroCosmos will be transferred to Gazprom Avia, which plans to use them to monitor natural gas pipelines and other infrastructure owned by the Russian oil and gas giant Gazprom. The helicopters will also be used for corporate passenger transport, repair work and cargo transportation.
The Ka-226T/Ka-226TG was designed by the Kamov Design Bureau and is manufactured by Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise, a Russian Helicopters company. It has a maximum take-off weight of 3.6 tonnes, maximum payload of 1.3 tonnes, and a maximum speed of 250 km/h. It can carry up to eight people, including one pilot.
The Ka-226T uses an advanced, coaxial main rotor system powered by two Arrius 2G1 turboshafts – the first time this engine has been deployed in a coaxial-rotor helicopter – and a Russian-made VR-226N gearbox. This design solution provides the Ka-226T/Ka-226TG with an unprecedented level of flight safety: if one engine fails the aircraft retains flight capability and manoeuvrability using its reserve power. Its high power capacity, manoeuvrability, compact size, modern technical specifications and low noise output make this helicopter one of the safest and most environmentally friendly in its class.
CJSC Federal Research and Production Centre NefteGazAeroCosmos was founded in 1995 to undertake innovation and investment projects to create Gazprom’s integrated systems aerospace services in the Far North and Arctic offshore.
Russian Helicopters, JSC is a subsidiary of UIC Oboronprom, which in turn is a part of Russian Technologies State Corporation. It is one of the global leaders in helicopter production and the only helicopter design and production powerhouse in Russia. Russian Helicopters is headquartered in Moscow. The company comprises five helicopter production facilities, two design bureaus, a spare parts production and repair facility, as well as an aftersale service branch responsible for maintenance and repair in Russia and all over the world. Its helicopters are popular among Russian ministries and state authorities (Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emergency Control Ministry), operators (Gazpromavia, UTair), major Russian corporations. Over 8000 helicopters of Soviet/Russian make are operated in 110 countries worldwide. Traditionally the demand is highest in the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Russia, and CIS countries. Russian Helicopters was established in 2007. In 2011 i